


Our mission is to provide high level performance and expertise in the design and construction of campus facilities. 规划及建造 is responsible for ensuring all aspects of each project is in compliance with programs, 预算, 日程安排, 和代码. We manage the process on both capital and campus projects.


The 规划及建造 team is made up of professionals with expertise in the areas listed below:

  • 体系结构
  • 环境平面设计
  • 室内设计
  • 策划及节目编制
  • 项目管理
  • 改造
  • 结构工程

This unit oversees and manages the following subunits and areas:

  • 屋宇装备(木工、搬家、油漆)
    • This sub-unit is responsible for general building maintenance such as painting, 门窗维修, 家具维修, 更换天花板瓷砖, drywall and masonry repairs to academic and administrative buildings. Building Services also performs minor 改造s to campus offices and classrooms. Some of our 服务 include building bookcases and shelves, concrete work, and sidewalks. 商店包括木工、搬家和油漆. Click on the links for more information on each shop and 服务 provided.


Construction projects managed through this unit may either be deemed a capital or campus project, 基于以下标准.

资本项目: These projects help preserve or improve a University asset or infrastructure. 基本建设项目通常由新建筑组成, 扩张, 改造, 或更换现有设施. Project costs may include contract 服务 needed to complete the project, 土地成本, 工程, 以及建筑规划. Approval from 美国niversity President, IHL, and State Legislators is required.



  • 光电
    • 光电 (formerly the Association of Physical Plant Administrators) offers a wealth of informational resources, 持续学习计划, and opportunities to connect and network with fellow facilities professionals in a welcoming and inclusive environment.

      探索其中的一些项目, 服务, and activities that 光电 provides to its members and others in the educational facilities community.

  • SR光电
    • SR光电 is one of six regional organizations dedicated to the operation of buildings on campuses of higher education, 博物馆, K-12, 社区学院, 州立公园, 市、县政府机关. 该协会由来自阿拉巴马州的成员组成, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州, 北卡罗莱纳, 南卡罗来纳, 田纳西州, 维吉尼亚州, 西维吉尼亚州, 波多黎各联邦, 美国.S. 维尔京群岛和墨西哥坎佩切州, 恰帕斯州, 瓦哈卡, 金塔纳罗奥州, 塔巴斯科, 和尤卡坦半岛.


  • Participate as staff liaisons to the State of 密西西比州 Bureau of Buildings, 理由, 物业管理, 高等院校(IHL), 及专业人士(建筑师), 工程师, 承包商, 及其他顾问);
  • Ensure communication with the Maintenance unit for the Department of Facilities & 有关设施的施工管理;
  • 以程序格式定义详细的用户需求;
  • 提供总体项目预算估算;
  • 获得建筑师/工程师和咨询服务;
  • Ensure compliance with programs, 预算, 日程安排, 和代码;
  • Provide regular reports and information in other formats to keep the Associate Vice President of Facilities & Construction Management informed on the status of current and upcoming projects.

校园项目: 在一般情况下, these projects include minor interior 改造s/design, 小的增加, 外观改善, 或电气或机械系统的更新. 规划及建造 manages both the planning and 改造/construction phases. Total costs of campus projects are typically decided upon and approved by the Provost.


  • Perform work on projects typically costing less than $100,000;
  • Define detailed user needs, prepare budget estimates and 日程安排;
  • Manage or produce designs and specifications in compliance with all codes;
  • 投标文件的签发;
  • 执行和分发合同和更改订单;
  • Manage projects throughout construction to ensure quality finished products;
  • 确保符合预算和进度;
  • 协助建立保修响应;
  • 进行标前会议;
  • 进行施工前会议;
  • 进行建筑检查.


木工服务 is responsible for providing preventative maintenance of buildings, 屋面系统, 排水沟, 落水管里, 小型砌筑维修. 日常服务还包括修理窗户, 门, 家具, 桌子, 座位, 橱柜, and countertops (in general areas and offices – worn from normal use). Requested 服务 include: installing office furnishing and fixtures and small 改造 jobs.

  • To request 服务, please submit a detailed work request via the iService Desk.
  • For general questions about carpentry 服务, please call 601-979-2522
  • 大学主要活动(1.e.、毕业典礼、创始人日等.)可能会导致工单延误.


  • 屋顶修理
  • 更换玻璃
  • 地毯和瓷砖修补
  • 家具维修
  • Installations of items purchased by requesting departments (bookshelves, 办公室的组件, and other customized items) are subject to the department’s discretion
  • 更换损坏或沾污的天花板瓷砖


  • 新地板
  • 小型装修工作
  • 主要安装采购

NOTE: All JSU Auxiliary Service departments are required to pay for all carpentry 服务 requested.




公用事业中断 & 关闭




P.O. 17460箱
杰克逊,MS 39217
